09 April 2006

They've Gotten It Backwards Again


     "Rasheed sued in 2000 after the state signed a contract with a new food vendor that began providing lamb and fish to Muslim prisoners on two Islamic holidays, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Rasheed said the meals were inappropriate.
     On the first holiday, which marks the end of Ramadan, Rasheed’s faith requires that he eat the meat of cows, oxen, or camels. On the second holiday, which celebrates the pilgrimage to Mecca, he is required to eat specially slaughtered cattle."
     On the first holiday, which marks the end of Ramadan, Rasheed’s faith requires that he eat the meat of cows, oxen, or camels. On the second holiday, which celebrates the pilgrimage to Mecca, he is required to eat specially slaughtered cattle."

Please note that Rasheed is required by his faith to eat certain things on certain days.  Sounds like Rasheed's problem, not mine.  My faith does not require me to supply Moslems with special foods on special days.  The reason he cannot obtain said foods is becase he is in prison.  If he had JUST OBEYED THE LAW he would be free to run to the Piggly Wiggly and buy the foods required of him by his faith.  So screw him.  My respect for his faith's diet is restricted to not serving him foods that are always forbidden by it.  I'm not going to say, "Pork chops or starve, Rasheed," but if he had n
ot committed whatever crime in 1975 that landed him a life sentence, he would be free to eat anything he wanted.
If he has not yet completed his pilgramage to Mecca, are we required to release him so he can complete that important pillar of faith?

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