23 February 2007

Spiritual Conflict

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I read that. Here's what I think is the money quote, "[Ahmed] Rushdie, a professor in Penn's Near Eastern Language and Civilizations Department and a board member of Masjid Al-Jamia, says the move raises serious issues for Muslims in the area - under Islamic law, it is illegal for Muslims to consume alcohol."








Gee, that was simple wasn't it? YOUR religion proscribes YOUR behavior, NOT mine. Your imaginary friend says, "no booze for you," then you don't buy any. I must be some sort of Islamic scholar or something to see this where a mere Muslim doesn't.

And this also touches on something the hardcore religious get wrong time and again. You score points with Mr Imaginary by RESISTING temptation, not by eliminating all sources of it. If there is no temptation, there are is no test of faith and conviction. READ YOUR DAMN HOLY BOOKS! I'm a Godless atheist and _I_ have read three different versions of Christian bible and a translation of the Koran. Wanna bet that's a lot more than the typical person sitting in the pews?

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