26 April 2007

I Am An Evil Person

Well, not really.

Long time readers are aware of the bullshit politics that were associated with the car club.

I've left it pretty much alone, but last night fired a salvo across The Gnome's bow. He posted on the Impala SS Forum bragging about winning the "Best Fleetwood/Roadmaster" at the GOFASST spring show. His was the ONLY Fleetwood or Roadmaster there. Such pride he must feel for winning by default.

So I asked if he really was bragging about that situation in a reply to his post.

His wife replied asking why I couldn't just leave him alone. Poor Gnome.

My reply was a listing of the grievances the club has against him.

I do so love Flame Warre!

The best part is his wife's reply referenced my post to the INC FLA club page on Yahoo. She, at least, has been lurking in the pages of the club that gave Gnome the punt. Why can't we leave him alone, indeed?

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