20 December 2007

The Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel Saga Continues

Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel took it well when they arrested him. Resigned is how I would put his demeanor.

His eldest son, Orca Shitheel, first accused his ex-wife of calling the cops on Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel. Now he has accused Harvey in the comments on her blog.

First things first, Orca ShitheelDumbass Fuckwad Shitheel did indeed commit the crimes that he was convicted of. Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel did indeed violate his probation by leaving Florida and moving to Iowa. The reason Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel is in jail now is not because he was turned in by an "anonymous female caller" but because he violated his probation! If he had recognized his marriage to Tracy as a lost cause two years ago and finished his probation the police would have had no cause to arrest him.

Secondly, when one is a fugitive from justice, one must accept that one might be arrested at any place or time. The likelihood of being arrested increases as you get closer to the jurisdiction that issued the warrant for your arrest. That means that even if Iowa and Florida don't wish to pay for extradition when your records are pulled that does not mean that Pasco County, Florida will not snatch you up when you drop into their laps. And when such a Sword of Damocles is over your head, you make damn sure everyone who knows you are in the area of the original warrant is someone you can trust to not call the police! EVERYONE.

It was an "anonymous female caller." That is all the hard information there is about who called. That person had to know that Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel was here and either my last name or our address. That's a pretty damn small pool of people. Additionally, they need a reason to turn him in, a motive. All of the people with grudges, don't seem to have the address.

Fishy things:

Crackwhore Shitheel (ex wife of eldest son) saw him the day before and as soon as they parted company she stopped answering her phone. She seemed unsurprised that Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel had been arrested when I asked her the next day, before anyone here had time to call anyone. She acted suspicious, but doesn't really have a reason to screw him.

Orca Shitheel and Totally Clueless Shitheel (eldest son and his wife) sure seem worked up over this. Slinging accusations all over the map. And isn't Totally Clueless Shitheel a female? It sure seems like they are protesting too much. Almost like they have a guilty conscious. But they also don't seem to have motive to do this.

Ashamed Shitheel (daughter) is a female. She knows our last name well enough to tell the cops how to find here. I've heard that she's mad a Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel for something about Orca Shitheel. I don't know what, just a rumor. If she is mad, then she did have motive. I just don't see her caring enough to do anything to him.

Escapee Shitheel (ex wife #2) is a female, she's got motive, she knows where I live. She seems to have let bygones be bygones and did seem genuinely surprised that he'd been arrested when The Lovely Harvey talked to her.

Crab Slinging Skank (ex girlfriend) has motive. She's a female. I don't think she knows my last name or address, but anything is possible. This is where I would put my money since I am not exactly hiding where I live.

Mrs Shitheel No. 3 (current wife) is a female, doesn't seem to have a motive, definitely knew where he was the whole time. If it's her then she deserves an Oscar for the performance after the arrest!

Sneakey and Spiteful (former best friends of Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel's) know where I live and have a motive. I am uncertain if they knew he was coming down.

Any other women in Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel life?

If it had been us we would certainly not have allowed him to stay here. Harvey and I are none too fond of the cops and don't want them here, ever. We would also have made a point of calling the police before he could go to his football game on Sunday, we're vindictive! We took Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel at his word that things had been settled and stuff had expired.

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