04 July 2008

Science And Faith

With all the BS here about religion I think there is a religious topic that definitely needs to be taught in schools.

The difference between science you don't understand and faith that cannot be understood.
I grabbed a lot of sympathy for Christians with a thought, "Faith is the big, huge, thing in their religion. To maintain that faith in the face of all the contradictory science must really hard." Then one day a follow-up thought hit me. What if God set it all up to contradict His book as a test of that faith?
That thought wasn't enough to make a believer out of me. It has made me a lot more tolerant about them.
It's also made me a bit less tolerant of the people who say things like, "Stupid Christians, don't they know the science clearly shows..." Yeah, I think they do. I think the smartest Christians are the ones living in a sort of dual universe where God made the place in seven days, but made it to appear and behave as if it were more like 15 billion years old.
If they can reconcile it, let them.
The Intelligent Design debate has me twisted up. I don't buy their ideas, but the debate has raised some issues for me.
While I agree that teaching religion in state funded schools is a violation of the 1st Amendment, I am beginning to believe that the way we are not teaching religion is in fact teaching Atheism. Atheism is a position about religion, therefore teaching it in the schools is also a violation of the 1st Amendment.
I believe that it's is impossible to have a position and not pass it along in your teaching. I think that logically leads to the State being unable to have schools because teaching anything can have religion in it.
I am fine with science at school, religion at home. I think that science can be taught in a manner that doesn't advocate atheism. For the government to continue to fund schools it has to. Otherwise the State Religion IS Atheism. "There is no God" is as much a religious position as, "I am Catholic."
The moment it stops being science is when we ask "Why?" Science is "How?"

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