08 June 2009

Review Of A Review

I just saw the film, "Defiance".

I often check Wikipedia after watching a movie. Mentioned in the entry for "Defiance" was "[A.O.]Scott also said the film unfairly implied that "if only more of the Jews living in Nazi-occupied Europe had been as tough as the Bielskis, more would have survived"."


Yes, exactly! That's what history says about it too! Where the Jews fought back they did better than where they didn't. That's not an unfair implication, that's a flat statement of how things are. Scott's statement is an unfair implication that the Jews who did not fight were cowards. I don't count denial as cowardice.

This lesson of history, and the gulags, are why so many of the people on my side of the fence have decided it is better to fight and die than to submit. Movie reviewers opinions to the contrary, notwithstanding.

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