24 January 2010

On McCain-Feingold

There's two main prongs that are touched on in several other blogs; I'd link but I forgot exactly what and where I read the germs to this.

Government is too influenced by corporate money.

There are two things here.

One: Corporations need to be able to influence the government to prevent government from ruining them.

Two: Corporations see government as a means to stifle competition.

The solution to both is simple in concept: Eliminate the government's ability to meddle with business. If they cannot stifle competition, the corporations will not be able to pay them to do so. If government cannot ruin a business, then corporations have no need to pay government to prevent it.

The Constitution is really quite simple and it's not written in legalese. It means what it says in plain english and there's hardly any hidden meanings or things that are not explicitly stated.

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