09 January 2011

That UK citizen who's been living here for decades and now wants a carry permit.

Self defense is a natural right.  It's independent of your nationality and local government.

I think that anyone here legally should be able to own a gun and carry it.

What I have a problem with is the guy getting to live here forever without joining up!

You clearly like it better here, become one of us!  Don't want to be an American?  Leave.

I think it's time to abolish "permanent alien".  Don't want them, don't need them.


  1. I had always had the impression that if a Brit touched an icky gun, particularly one of them awful baby-killing handguns, he'd scream like Dracula facing the True Cross, and his hand would wither off and fall away.

  2. Since that didn't happen to him, all the more reason to admit he's an American and get naturalized.


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