06 February 2011

Helmet Laws

I was a biker for many years; the reasons I quit riding are their own story.

What I always did was to wear a full-face helmet.  I took a lot of shit for that from a lot of bikers.

As my dad said, "there are two kinds of bikers; ones who've been down and ones who haven't been down yet."  I'm not what you'd call gracefully coordinated, so I have always thought that helmets were a good idea for me.


I do not support helmet laws.

If you don't want to wear one, I don't think you should have to.  If you don't wear one you are assuming an increased chance of a head injury should you have an accident; you should make a reasoned decision when you make this bet because the stakes are pretty high.

Yes, there are accidents where a helmet would have made no difference.  Yes there are circumstances where the helmet makes things worse.  It's all part of the risk assessment you have to make everyday when you get out of bed.

Life is not 100% safe and cannot be made to be so; even if it were possible it would be incompatible with liberty.

Because life is not safe you can't let your guard down for even a second.  The universe plays to win and she plays for keeps.

1 comment:

  1. With deference to your dad, there are three kind of bikers, those that have gone down, those that haven’t gone down yet, and those that lie about going down… but everything else I agree with you completely.


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