30 March 2011

Local News Item

From Tampa Bay Online, about the AK-47.

Hillsborough County Sheriff Office's Col Brown is dead on with, "The gun isn't what's dangerous – it's the person that's holding it."

This article is flabbergastingly neutral!  Just a couple of short years ago this would have been all about confirming what an evil device such guns are.  Even the cop who was shot with one doesn't want them banned!

Of course it makes the same mistake EVERY article about the Kalashnikov makes.  The vast majority of "AK-47's" are not AK-47's but AKM's.  Vanishingly few AK's here in the states are the selective fire model and are thus neither an AK-47 or an AKM.  AK-47 has become as generic as 1911...

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