13 May 2011

Gee, yah think?

Recently Florida passed a law making it far more difficult to commit voter fraud.

You have to read the bill to understand that.

Interestingly, there are no Republicans complaining about this change.

There sure are a bunch (but not all) of Democrats screaming bloody murder over it.

The key provisions make it very difficult to mass process voter registrations because you have a very small window from filling it out to getting it submitted.

Here's my take.

Voting is your sovereign right and duty as a US citizen.

You should be voting every single election and be informed of your candidate's positions.

I don't think anyone should be forced to vote.

I think that registering to vote should be simple.

Simple and irritating.

Like you have to show up at the election office in person with three forms of ID and spend an hour waiting to be processed.  They make sure you are who you say you are and that you are eligible.

Let's be honest.  Anyone who will not take that minimum amount of effort to get registered is probably not someone who will vote wisely.  Remember how I said you should be informed?

The next provision is about changing your address.  They cite that college students move a lot and that this disenfranchises them.  Bullshit!  What they are really saying is that college students don't bother with changing their address on their voter registration and don't worry about it until election day.  What this provision really does is to make sure that someone isn't using the change your address at the poll process to make multiple votes.

Why would making it harder for one person to cast more than one vote bother one party and not the other?

The last provision they are complaining about is the shortening of the window where you can cast early ballots.

I'd have eliminated early ballots altogether.

If you can't take time on election day to show up, I don't think you're serious about the process and I don't think you should be voting.

I'd also make absentee ballots much harder.  You'd have to be out of the country on pressing national business to get one.  You know, like military or state department postings.

Again, if you can't be bothered to physically go to the polls on election day, you are not serious about the election and I don't want you voting.

Demanding that people take time off from work or their lives to vote demonstrates that this is a solemn duty that is literally more important than work or play.  Making them physically show up also ensures that we get one person, one vote and that one person is who is actually casting the vote.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats are the party of voter fraud.


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