31 May 2011

My Rights > Officer Safety

The title says it all.

New Mexico's supreme court disagrees about traffic stops.

Indiana's supreme court disagrees about no knock searches.

The US Supreme court agrees with Indiana.

Yessir, they followed the proper forms and it's LEGAL for the cops to infringe on our rights.

This sort of injustice has happened here before, and it ends bloody.

The American Revolution was fought over such rights.  The American Civil War was fought over such rights.  Will we go for the hat-trick?

I hope not.

We really need to stop letting our employees tell us how they are going to do the job we've hired them to do.  Yes, I understand that means we will have to start standing up to the police and their unions.  It's a tall order.

The entire concept of letting your rights be violated and then letting the courts fix it later is fundamentally wrong.  Especially since there's a bit of a bias with those courts with regards to getting things fixed post-facto.  The situation is your rights get violated and you have no recourse because the court is not going to side against the cops.  Sorry for your troubles "citizen" better luck next time; maybe by then the cops will have learned a skill that every pizza delivery driver learns the first day; getting to the right address.

Really read the Constitution some time.  The rights of the citizen are paramount, the powers of the government are slaved to those rights.  If those rights are secondary to the powers of the state; then the government exercising them is illegitimate.  I think we can still use the ballot box to reverse the trend, but I am losing faith.


What I am getting at here is this:  What the cops are telling us is that they have to violate our constitutionally guaranteed rights in order for THEM to be safer.  To that I say, "Tough Shit."  The laws you are hired to enforce are supposed to be about securing my liberty and rights from the vagaries of others.  Giving up those rights so that the hireling can be safer while securing my rights is better double speak than anything George came up with for 1984.

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