25 November 2011

Compromise Proposal

Historically, whenever a compromise of increase taxes/reduce spending is made; the taxes are increased now with the promise that spending will be reduced at a later date.

That later date never comes and without exception, spending has increased.

I have a proposal for the spenders.

10% across the board tax increase.


To get that increase you have to cut 15% of spending from the budget.  Not slow down increases, but really reduce the money spent.  Then those cuts have to remain in place for at least a year before the tax increase happens.


Assuming that congress manages to pass a budget that's 85% of the last budget passed (all those continuing resolutions don't count) mark what percentage of the GDP that budget is at the end of the year.  The budget may never exceed that percentage of the GDP or the tax increase is nullified.

Even more fun!  I'll give them an additional 5% tax increase if they pass an amendment requiring a balanced budget and hard capping the debt to a modest percentage of GDP.  Any excess revenue collected beyond the budget must go towards the debt.

There you go liberals.  A 15% increase in taxes for you.  All you have to do is COMPROMISE.

1 comment:

  1. "Yaaaaay!.......no wait....what? Compromise? Ummmm...never mind. Go away, Party Pooper."


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