20 September 2012

A Teensy Suggestion

Should we be forced into a war in the Persian Gulf because of Iran and the Arab Spring.

I have a small suggestion.


Do not liberate.


I know that the American psyche can do it.  Just wander over to the local Indian casino.

The problem ends when we stop letting them dictate how things will be.

It's really not going to be over until we have tourists in Mecca with pictures of them eating at Billy Bob's Black Mosque Open Pit BBQ (try the pulled pork).

I believe in self defense at the personal level and that DOES extrapolate to the civilizational level.  If another "civilization" is trying to wipe yours out, it's OK to wipe them out in reply.  Just like it's OK to kill someone who's trying to murder you.

I want Arabic and Farsi added to "dead languages" on Jeopardy.

We won't need death camps, but we will have to eradicate the entire "culture".  If we don't we are committing suicide.


It seems I am not alone in these feelings...

Cold Fury

My Pet Jawa

And Quote of the Day:
[G]o in, pound them flat, make the rubble bounce; then, as the last American soldier leaves, hang a sign saying “don’t make us come back here.

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