20 July 2013


Using the GURPS: Traveller Starships rules I have recreated the Kinunir Class Colonial Cruiser.

It's not really a cruiser...  It's more of a destroyer escort.

It's got 8x2 405 MJ lasers, 2x1 1.4 GJ Particle Beams and 2x3 500mm Missile.

Jump 4, 4g; just like the original design from Adventure 1 and Supplement 9.

What I lost was cargo space.

There are a lot of systems detailed in Adventure 1 that are included for nothing that cost space and mass in G:T.  22.75 dTons of unaccounted systems are in this design.

The black globe generator is MUCH larger in G:T than Book 5.  Like more than ten times as much.

Also you lose a significant amount of space streamlining the ship.

All in all I am happy with how it came out.

The price in G:T (1,063.1 MCr) is even quite close to that given in Supplement 9 (MCr 1,079.99)!

I can work with the G:T Modular Design System.

This is me officially declaring my G:T world is officially 100% GURPS now.


And of course I made an error.  I used the HP number for the surface area and that makes a lot of things bigger than they need to be.

Cargo space is now 41.13 dTon and final cost is MCr 869.1.

Update Again:

I fixed something that had bothered me from the original game.  The Kinunir in LBB had a 35 ton Pinnace.  Pinnaces are 40 tons!  Carrying a non-standard small craft made no sense.

So I decided I was either going to change it to a 30 ton Ship's Boat or a 40 ton Pinnace.

The pinnace is cooler sounding, don't you think?  Also it has 5g of acceleration!


  1. Replies
    1. What does one say to reply to that?

    2. My inner "Beavis and Butthead" sometimes just gets the better of me... :o


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