26 July 2013

Hangin In There

Rested on the vent all night, back on CPAP this morning with a little less support than yesterday. Followed commands for the Dr this morning and has been alert, showing a half grin and squinting his face when the Dr was inflicting pain to get him to move his right arm (he did it but I think he really wanted to punch him! Lol) Having some tests and scans done for infection today to find the cause for his fever, will be starting an antibiotic too. I asked for a reality check this morning during rounds and the reality is this will take 1-2 years to see what will be his new life and what he will regain. He could progress 60% over the next six months then plateau for a few months or 95% then plateau, there is no formula or way to predict his recovery. The last couple days have been uneventful but today is a little better so this will be the longest roller coaster ride of our lives!
It's heartbreaking to think of what he will miss with the kids and what they will miss with their father, but we can make up for two years lost as long as he can remain strong and work hard to get to a point where he can enjoy them again! I'm hopeful but the time will probably feel like its standing still! Keep all the positive thoughts and prayers coming!

If he wakes up he's got all my sympathy with dealing with his disability.

It took me five years to recover to 80% on my leg.  It took another ten to get to 90%.  And that's all the better it will ever get.

My injury was relatively simple compared to Herk's and mine was life altering.  I used to enjoy hiking, camping and bike riding.  I can no longer walk far enough to hike nor carry enough to camp.  I still have my bike, but...

Herk's got a stroke to recover from.  Broken femur, broken humerus, probably all kinds of soft tissue damage and I'll betcha a coke he's got neck and back issues the rest of his life because I've never seen someone go down on a bike and hurt their head who didn't.  Those impact forces do like to spread.

Fingers crossed.

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