28 October 2013

It Wasn't "Give Me Democracy Or Give Me Death"

My chains are not lighter that a vote was taken that I wear them.

I've come around to the idea that I don't fucking care what form of government I have, if at all, if I have liberty and freedom.

We should have been staunch exporters of liberty not democracy.

Exporting democracy didn't do us any good in Latin America and it hasn't worked in the middle east yet.

I hereby declare that I don't give two fucks if a nation is run by a two-bit, tin-horn Satan worshipping supreme doctor reverend colonel general totalitarian dictator as long as the people have liberty.

Ben Franklin is proving to be the wisest of the founding fathers.  He never even tried for that president job and he seemed to know more than was let on when he said, "a republic, if you can keep it!"

When you trot out "democracy" you have lost the republic.

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