11 June 2014


I've found plans for making digitgrade feet.

Now I need to learn sewing.

A K'zinti costume for a con would be just the thing for a fat-ugly mid-40's Sci-Fi fan to do cosplay in.


Would that make me a furry?


  1. I agree with Erin.

    "When Challenging a Kzin a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream, and you leap."

  2. I'm doing my research: http://www.cracked.com/blog/how-to-throw-an-insane-orgy-using-craigslist/

    So, um, "yiff"?

  3. My answer is "What's wrong with furries?"

    I'm not one m'self, but as a field biologist my instincts kick in and I like to study their habits. They don't seem to mind.

  4. Only slightly.

    One of usss.

  5. If you build it, put up pictures.

    That said...I wonder if you can distract a Kzin with a dangled string, or a laser pointer?


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