24 May 2015

Need More Lyrics

For Disney's Chosin...

Sung to the tune of "do you wanna build a snow man?

Do you wanna dig a foxhole?
A two man fighting spot...
A place to check your feet
For nasty trench rot...


  1. In the theme of Disney's Chosin:

    Do you wanna dig a foxhole?
    Well inside our wire....
    A place where we can eat and sleep
    And dodge incoming fiiiiiiire....

    "The Chinese were our buddies,
    but now they're not.
    Don't even ask me whyyyyy.
    Do you wanna dig a foxhole?
    So we don't die....."

  2. Do you wanna dig a foxhole?
    With your entrenching tool...
    If I don't dig it deep enough
    Then I'll look quite the fool...

    Our rifles all are frozen
    The ground is too, what are we gonna do?
    Do you wanna dig a fox hole?
    I think we're overdue

    Do you wanna dig a foxhole
    with straight and squared off walls....
    Lets hurry up and dig it
    I'm freezing off my balls....

    Do you wanna dig a foxhole?
    It kinda has to be a foxhole...

  3. My Garand's bolt has frost lock
    the Carbine too
    The cold is the reason whyyy
    Do you wanna dig a foxhole
    And run our M1s dry....


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