27 August 2017

Checks And Balances

Dear Towhomitmayconcern,

Each of the three branches is given a mechanism to check and override the other two.

It's a circle, not a line.

It's not well, we failed to get Congress to stop it, then failed to get a veto then failed to get a judge to say no... Welp all done forever.

To focus on the executive branch...

The veto is to thwart the legislative.  The pardon is to thwart the judicial; that's why it's plenary.

The judicial is a bit odd in it's power involves the people directly.

The jury thwarts the executive.  Declaring law unconstitutional thwarts to legislative.

Of course, if you look at it hard, you'll see that the ultimate power was supposed to be with The People and the voting booth.  We were supposed to pay attention, stay informed and elect people who would wield their powers wisely and for the greatest good; liberty.


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