14 August 2017

I Feel All Accomplished

Got Jasmine cleaned from her NATO rate-o experience.  I again marvel at how much better commercial cleaning supplies are than what was issued to or scrounged by me in the .mil.

Crawled into my air-handler (in the 103˚F attic) and cleaned the evaporator coils again.  The house temperature had started losing ground again, and lo and behold the coils were clogged with dust again.  I think this will be a recurring thing for a while as the ducts get cleared out of accumulated dust from the giant rat-hole.

It had gone from 74˚ at 0900 to 79˚ at 1700 with 75˚ showing at the furthest vent.

After cleaning the house was a solid 80˚ and was back to 78˚ by the time I'd returned from taking The Boy to swim practice, with 60˚ showing at the vent.  Clearly the improved air flow allows cooler air in the duct work!

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