18 September 2017

Room And/Or House Clearing

There's two schools of thought that have been used successfully in more than one war and found to be effective in keeping your troops safe.

First, lob in fragmentation grenades until you're out of bad-guys.  Don't forget to give the first couple a three count without the spoon so they can't throw it back.

Second, apply fire until there's an empty lot.

Do you think a training school would shit if I pulled out a hand-grenade, let the spoon fly and started my three-count?  Or lit the pilot on a flamethrower?

Prolly lose my deposit.


  1. You forgot the old stand old lighting off a TOW into said structure.

  2. Most of the people I've been in shoot house classes with have kindly tolerated my cake-eating writer ass.

    Do you recommend grenades for arresting people, too?

    1. Yes. Sure. Why not? Fuck it, nukes for warrant service!

    2. The relevant modifier is, "in more than one war".

      I made no mention of cops or arrests.

      But it was all a preamble to making a wee bit of a joke. A joke like you used to make before you got all professional gunwriter. Of all the folks who stop by, I figured you'd get it.

    3. You seem angry, dude. What's up with that?

    4. Probably because everyone else is so damned earnestly serious lately and hardly anyone seems to be having fun with shooting or blogging anymore.

      It's rubbing off on me.


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