07 October 2017

April 19th's

Since we're morbidly talking about the death toll of a single person firing into a crowd...

Shall we talk about Waco?  Where the Government, using guns, armored vehicles and fire, killed 82 people over the course of 51 days.

You know, the Government that gun-control people think should have all the guns?

They used guns to make a warrant service no-knock assault, then used guns and armored vehicles to keep anyone from leaving.

Now, shall we talk about Oklahoma City?  Where a handful of people made a bomb out of commonly available fertilizer and diesel fuel, loaded it into a rental truck and killed 168 people without a single firearm.

To date we have not banned rental trucks, fertilizer or diesel fuel.  We didn't even seriously discuss banning those things.

Why do I bring these things up together?

Because they are linked.  The Oklahoma Bombing was because a handful of people got so upset at the entire fiasco of The Waco Siege, they felt they needed to go-a-murderin'!

The second event really doesn't happen without the first one.

They are also related in that they killed more people than Las Vegas.

I am not saying that OKC was justified by Waco, but there is a causal relationship here.

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