28 October 2017

Boo Fucking Hoo

"Bergdahl has said he was caged, kept in darkness and beaten, and that he tried to escape more than a dozen times before President Barack Obama brought Bergdahl home in 2014 in a swap for five Taliban prisoners at Guantanamo Bay."  -- LINK

First, it was a shitty trade.

Second...  Hey Fuckface, if you'd... oh... I dunno STAYED AT YOUR FUCKING POST then you would not have been caged, kept in darkness and beaten.  Also you wouldn't have needed to escape even once, let alone a dozen times.

Eddie Fucking Slovick did less than you and he got executed for it.

For the record: I'd decided that this thing is a traitor long before Donald Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone won the nomination.  To suggest that it is The President coloring our opinions about it is a desperate attempt to save a fellow traitor from justice.

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