22 December 2017

Inevitable Christmas Slump

December has grown to suck for me.

It was always kind of bittersweet because my birthday is within a week of it.

My Mom's birthday was within a few days of mine.

She's passed now and I miss our joint birthday trips to an eatery.  It was silly fun.

Christmas was toys if birthday was clothes... and vice versa.

So I'm in a "meh" funk.

Couple that with the prior three weeks being one of the most challenging I've ever done with The Boy and you can start to see why blog fodder has been slim to none.

I'm STILL waiting on backordered tools to ship from Brownell's so I can resume learning to checker.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate...my birthday is two days after Christmas. Got a lot of combination gifts as a child. This will be the first Christmas without Mom. Humbug.


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