23 February 2018


I am contacting you today because I am one of millions of gun owners who didn't do anything wrong.

I did not break any laws.

I did not hurt anyone.

I did not threaten to hurt anyone.

Nothing I did caused the heinous crime which occurred in Parkland, FL last week.

However, I notice that there are several proposals in response to this vicious attack which seek to punish me for an act I had no hand in.

Proposals which seek to rob me of my property.

Proposals which seek to place prior restraint on my activities.

Proposals which seek to invade my privacy and cause me to no longer be secure in my home.

Proposals which seek to register me with State agencies where I have committed no crime, in the same manner as if I'd been convicted of molesting a child.

In short, proposals which seek to violate several counts of The Bill of Rights.

Proposals which would have not prevented the shooting or save a single life.

Proposals which create an onerous burden to the lives of people whom are no danger to anyone.  Millions of people in Florida innocently and harmlessly own all manner of firearms and use them in accordance with the current laws peacefully and without harming a soul.

Proposals which would make it nearly impossible to use a firearm to defend oneself against the very sort of "person" these proposals don't address.

Proposals which are always proposed whenever an atrocity like this occurs, which do nothing to prevent them where Enacted.

Please don't fall prey to the pressures to do the wrong thing in response to this atrocity.

Thank you for you and your staff's time.

1 comment:

  1. Politician are protective by guns .
    The family Politician are protective by guns.
    The money Politician is protective by guns.
    The homes Politician are protective by guns.
    The work place of Politician are protective by guns.

    Movie Stars are protective by guns .
    The family Movie Stars are protective by guns.
    The money Movie Stars is protective by guns.
    The homes Movie Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of Politician are protective by guns.

    TV Stars are protective by guns .
    The family TV Stars are protective by guns.
    The money TV Stars protective by guns.
    The homes TV Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of TV Stars are protective by guns.

    Music Stars are protective by guns .
    The family Music Stars are protective by guns.
    The money Music Stars is protective by guns.
    The homes Music Stars are protective by guns.
    The work place of Music Stars are protective by guns.

    News Media Owners are protective by guns .
    The family News Media Owners are protective by guns.
    The money News Media Owners is protective by guns.
    The homes News Media Owners are protective by guns.
    The work place of News Media Owners are protective by guns.

    Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns .
    The family Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.
    The money Tech Companies Owners is protective by guns.
    The homes Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.
    The work place of Tech Companies Owners are protective by guns.

    But if you say "I want our Children protective by guns"
    Why do these same people call you Evil?
    It's not that they don't want anyone to have gun.
    It's that they don't want you to have them.
    Their self, their friends, their family and their guards (when guarding them, their friends, and family) are fine.

    The Second Amendment the only part United States Constitution where someone other than one gets to say if it covers you.

    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell - but he never lived in Broward County did he.


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