01 March 2018

Another Email To The FL Senate

The blistering array of 63! amendments containing every wish of the anti-gun lobby from decades past is a clue that this bill has nothing to do with its stated purpose.

Most damning is that nearly everything in this bill has been tried in other places and had no effect on crime, but massive effects on the lives of innocent gun owners.

I ask again, why does Florida's Senate seek to punish me, rather than address the chain of failures from the school district all the way to the FBI?

This is not a failure of having enough laws to deal with the developing situation, but a lack of will to impose those laws on someone telegraphing their murderous criminal intent.

You cannot fix anything with tools you don't take out of the toolbox!

Punish those who did wrong instead of those who did not.

I might add, "for a change".

Angus McThag

District 16; presently without a senator of my own to call on to represent my interests.

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