09 March 2018

Let's All FUCKING Panic!!!

We lost one.

Not as big a one as it could have been.

Not near as big as an AWB would have been.

We can panic or we can get to work.

Put band-aids on our boo boos, dust ourselves off and work to fix this.

It's not impossible.

The wheels are going to come flying off this legislation next session when they realize they're going to have to pay for it.  The budget was already tight as a drum and there wasn't no $650 million slack in it.

That's where we can start in on suggesting cheaper solutions.

The bump-stock portion is likely constitutionally vague.  But someone needs to be busted with a bump-stock to start it through the courts.  The other things that "increase the rate of fire" to "mimic full-auto", the panic about this is purely theoretical.  Calm down.  That mimicking full auto thing is our lever on proving that all those theoretical speed improvements are not what we're panicking over.

The three day wait is machts nichts.  It's also the easiest part to nuke once we get the other side calmed down.  Notice they needed fresh corpses to get that?

The 21 age for sales is eventually going to get nuked as well.  The silliness of an 18 year old being allowed to own a gun, but not buy a gun will eventually break this down.  Especially once an 18-20 year old gets murdered for a lack of a gun by some psychotic boyfriend that the cops had been systematically ignoring.  We're going to have to learn the steps of the blood dance.

Lead with your left...

The Byzantinian rules for arming the teachers is going to eventually lead to campus carry if we keep at it.  Someone is going to ask how many teachers have been armed and when a clumsy shop teacher has enough fingers to count them, someone is going to say let's skip paying for it.  That's where we bring in the self-funded CCW carrier plan!

We're going to have to decide on a t-shirt color and design and get that fucker up on cafe-press or something and we need to take a couple days off at the start of next session and DEMAND our rights back.

This shit got passed with about 100 people all dressed alike crying in unison.  We didn't get enough notice to beat those numbers as fast as this was passed, but if we cost them a couple days of business at the start of the next session from disrupting business and trapping them in their offices because they can't get past the press of bodies, we might remind them that we're still here.

We need to start the process of primary challenges to all the pricks that voted for this.  It doesn't matter how great they were otherwise.  You put down a previously good dog when it bites you, they've bit us and need to return to private life.

It won't be a small job, but it's a doable job.  Let's get on it!

PS: running and hiding in some other state won't work.  The pricks spread.

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