06 May 2018

My Ears Perked Up

I am sure I am using the term "dog whistle" wrong.

But when that Ellen's place wrote, "reasonable and effective gun regulations" they were blowing a dog whistle.

That phrase means "gun control" to we pro-gun masses.  That phrase means "gun control" to the gun banners too.  To the uninvolved it is supposed to appear to be less extreme than it's meant.

I cannot believe that anyone who would use that phrase so precisely had no idea what it meant to gun owners.  Miguel has a nice screenshot that sure looks like it confirms my opinion.

In that first link to Miguel's though you'll see two receipts.

Why is that?

Because the gun owners heard the dog whistle and responded instantly and firmly.

The only reason for him to make such a sudden change was if his restaurant was suddenly empty of customers.  It's what we call an "oh FUCK!" moment.

I've mentioned before that gun owners are known to hold grudges.

Now the owner is pulling the victim card because his backpedaling didn't restore customers to seats.

It reminds me of a criminal complaining that he's been victimized because he was shot while burglarizing a house.

Sorry, Joe, but you blew the whistle; and we heard you.  You don't get to unblow it because you find that making such a statement has consequences you don't like.

I've said it before and I will say it again, if something has nothing to do with the product you're selling, don't talk about it in association with your business.

If you're running a business, and feel that you must be political, be sure you check to see if your customers agree with your politics before you spout off.  Otherwise you might find yourself without customers.  You could be without customers for a good long time.

The gun control crowd doesn't seem to buy much in support of businesses that pander to them.

We gunnies are definitely willing to never darken their door again.  Even if there was a long and happy relationship prior to becoming woke.


  1. There are screencaps from the the store owner's facebook taken before he purged it. This was a completely anti-gun action planned from the start. Intentionally a middle finger to the NRA members.

    1. The links to Miguel's place show some of those screen-caps too.


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