22 June 2018

I Know Why

Why would an airline allow one weight for a bag going one direction and less for the return?

Oh, there's a fuck ton of reasons why.

Prevailing winds, distance to clear mountains, etc...

If there's mountains close to the destination the plane will be lighter when it gets there, but might be too heavy to go over them on the return leg.  Winds that help one direction hurt in the other.

You know something else?

It's not the airline's gorram fault.

Yes, you should have paid attention to the weight limits and that super high price for carrying your overweight bags is what we call a teaching moment.  You're damn sure going to remember to check the weight restrictions both ways next time, aren't you?

It's shit like that is why you're in the penalty box blogroll, you Bombastic Idiot.

I still can't figure out why you're held in such high regard.

PS, you're damn lucky they didn't put you on a scale and charge for a second seat for the each of you.  I remember family pictures from that era, and you weren't exactly small people.


  1. Was this the explanation to a conversation you overheard?

    1. It's a comment to a blog post where someone requires you to register to comment and if you displease them by pointing out holes in their logic, they revoke your commenting privileges.

      So I've never bothered to register with their new blog.

  2. Seems to me I'd have went ahead and made 1 overweight bag and 2 40# bags. But I'm an ignorant Dilbert.


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