24 May 2011

Obscure Joke.

Ask my wife, I love indie film and I will willingly watch chick flicks.  She's an action/horror fan.

Yes, she wears the pants.  I have a kilt, who needs pants?

I bought Juno.

Juno's step mother, Bren, runs a nail salon.  The name of the business is "Bren's Ten"!  I wonder how many people didn't even notice that pun.


  1. "Let the wind run high, let the wind run low,
    Thro' the streets in your kilt you'll go,
    All o'the lassies say 'Hello!
    McThag, where's your troosers?'"

  2. I don't know where I've been, but I see I've won first prize.


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