23 September 2012


One of the most frustrating things about reading about guns on the internet is an utter and total lack of understanding of the principles in action.

Forums are by far the worst, but comments are a close second.

Yes, I know:

I get sick of being called pedantic when I attempt to explain why two terms are not always synonymous.  It's like people are proud of their ignorance and bask in the glow.

I, for one, love to learn new things and I've amended my understanding of things more than a couple times.  Closing your mind to knowledge is a waste.

Aside: The post/comment that caused me to write this isn't even an example of the closed minded double-down on the ignorance stupidity that my week has been especially full of.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, don't get it at all.

    Back when I first got into guns I used ALL sorts of bad terms.

    When I was politely corrected (my reaction was a little different when the correction came in a know-it-all dick format) I simply took it as a learning experience and corrected my error.

    When discussing things if we don't have our terms correct discussion or questions become an exercise in impossibility!


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