26 November 2012


In a previous life, I was a biker.

I learned there that "FTW" meant "Fuck The World".

It caused a couple of confusing moments before I learned about "For The Win"...


  1. I was in the Navy, that's what it meant too.
    Our more common one was FTN (not For the Navy, either).

  2. We're on the same page McThag-

    Another similar acronym I use alot on my 'site is 'FTFM'...
    "Fck That MFer" I also use it as a standard dismissive when talking about or to idiots...

    I used it so often that the guys at the NHL embroidered it on be bottom of a SWAG backpack they gave me once.
    It was on the bottom, so when I stowed it on the airplane overhead it faced outward, which occasionally caused questions from other frequent fliers...
    Cute Flight Attendant: "FTMF, what's that mean?"
    Surly ogre in bulkhead row: "Oh... Uh... Flight Time Means Fun, I think..."

    Good times... good times...


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