08 April 2014


I mentioned it before.

Professionals get paid for it.
Amateurs don't.

Neither state makes one an expert.

Because I don't have a job, I am not a professional anything, yet I am still an expert in several fields.

A professional is also someone doing something as a profession, you know doing it for a living... That implies some sort of monetary compensation.

The thing here is that being paid for something seems to make people think you're an expert when all that means is you've convinced someone with money that you should be paid for what skills you have.

It doesn't actually make you an expert.

It sometimes leads to a situation where someone knows a lot more about it than you and will be unable to explain why your position is false because you're not an expert at all.  If you were, then you'd not need to told you were in error, would you?

I'd have prolly not pointed out the error, except someone following your "expert" advice will get themselves killed.

The truly hilarious part is I've mentioned it repeatedly in post after post and people never seem to register that really is my position on the willfully ignorant.  Ignorance is worse than stupidity because there's a cure for ignorant.

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