03 January 2015

Not It At All

I have a security box full of guns because I am fascinated with the history, design and construction of firearms.

I don't have a safe full of guns to correct a deficiency with my shooting skills.


I do have a box full of holsters trying to find a better way to carry...

The post that made me blurt out this defensively toned missive suggests a one month or 500 round (whichever takes longer).

I realized that already did!  I liked shooting the .38 Super 1911 so much I shot it exclusively for at least that many rounds.

"Disappointingly" the Colt also failed to explode or malfunction.  I think it's defective, I was assured that it would do one or the other by the internet.

PS: I did get a lot better at shooting my 1911 too from exclusive use.

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