On average 151,200 people die every day, world wide.
That's 55,188,000 a year from all causes.
In 2016, 2,626,418 of them were in the US.
Top Ten Causes of Death:
614,348 are from heart disease.
591,699 are from cancer. Fuck cancer.
147,101 are from chronic lower respiratory disease (COPD).
136,053 are from accidents.
133,033 are from strokes.
93,541 are from Alzheimer's disease.
76,488 are from diabetes.
55,227 are from the flu and pneumonia.
48,146 are from kidney disease.
42,773 are from suicide.
688,009 died from something not listed above, but in a category smaller than suicide.
That list doesn't include medical errors. I think it goes around #3, right behind cancer at about 250,000. That reduces the unaccounted-for deaths to 438,009.
ReplyDeleteI seem to recall that they studiously refuse to consider medical errors as a cause of death category.
ReplyDeleteA fatal staph infection contracted in the hospital is counted the same as one contracted in your home. I feel certain that a goodly number are in the accidents category already.