30 May 2019


Getting old is not for sissies and that's because it comes with unexpected things...

Like rashes where you've never gotten them before because things... uh... lay differently now than when you were young.

Rashes on sensitive parts because a fold of skin is rolling over instead of wrinkling up.

You get no sympathy for a heat rash on your pecker from a wife with EE boobs, by the way.  She will womansplain the proper application of corn starch to the affected area while saying she's been dealing with this shit since she was 14.


  1. Swamp Nuts is very much a Florida Affliction. And corn starch just doesn't handle it.

    I changed to boxer briefs and have more success at less swampiness. And a fan pointed at the boys under my desk back when I had a desk (also helped to dissipate farts, so double duty.)

    Periodic wipedowns with rubbing alcohol to cool and dry the area helps too, as long as your aim is good with the wipe cloth (don't get any in the 'eye' if you know what I mean.) Helps cut down on the fungus issues, too.

  2. Gold Bond Spray is my go-to when kilted.


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