05 June 2020

It's Because They've Increased The Number Of Tests

The past three days there have been more than 1,000 new Wu Ping Cough cases here in Florida.

1,317 on Wednesday.
1,419 yesterday.
1,305 today.

That's about double the increases for the previous block of 3-days.

They also tested about double the number of people.

The percentage of new positives to the number tested is lower too.

The press is trying to spin this as the opening is making people sick...

But hospitalizations are flat.

Deaths are flat.  The CFR is slowly creeping down from a 4.45% peak to a 4.33% at present.

More people are positive, but not increasing the rate that are sick enough to get sent to hospital or morgue.

We're doing good, all things considered.

Hell, if the oft found 13.9% infection rate is true, the IFR is but 0.089%  That's flu territory.

1 comment:

  1. The narrative says those stupid red state governors opened up too soon so the virus is going to get everyone. They can’t deal with thinking Cuomo and DeBlazio (not to mention pretty much all the blue states) screwed up.


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