18 October 2020


One of the things that made (makes?) America great is it doesn't (didn't) much matter who your parents and ancestors were with regards to how far you could go.

But I notice something about the agitators.

They keep bringing up things about those ancestors and applying them to the descendants.

Someone whose great-grandparents were slaves gets deference as if their own back had felt the whip.

Someone whose family never owned slaves, let alone owned any themselves, are condemned as if they wielded the the whip personally.

We've got people "leading" us whose interpersonal relationships can almost be called incestuous.  Everyone in power is married to a relative of someone else in power and they rotate around.

That's how the fucking nobility we rejected at gunpoint did things, not America.

That we're in a situation where it matters so much who's "leading" in DC and the state capitols says volumes to how far America has degraded from the idealism of the founders.

The government was supposed to be a last resort for most problems not the immediate go-to for everything.

1 comment:

  1. My family came to the US in the 19-teens. Not only did they not own slaves, they weren't even in the US when slavery existed. But because I'm white, it's as if I was personally whipping slaves.

    Sorry, but my laws of nature include "if you personally didn't do the bad thing, you're personally not responsible for it." I think if you go back far enough in history, every single one of us is related to slaves and slave owners. It was the way the world worked.


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