13 October 2020

We Once Had No Prisons In Many Places

Colin Kaepernick apparently thinks we should abolish prisons.

Like everything he says, he's not thought about it very hard.

There was once a time when there weren't prisons.

Without the option of confinement to punish someone for their crimes, punishments were less ephemeral.




Normally meted out at or near the scene of the crime and without all the niceties of an impartial judge, or legal representation for the accused.

No lengthy investigation to even determine if the right person is being punished.

There're many reasons civilization abandoned vendetta and ad hoc justice.

There's history books on the topic.

I doubt a sportsball player would ever have had to read them.


  1. You forgot exile. Or marooning.

  2. I've often thought that corporal punishment - - whipping - - should be brought back for all the minor crimes (the major crimes being murder, rape and robbery). Reserve jail for the big three and for habitual offenders - - those who don't learn their less from whippings. No lash count higher than 2 dozen.


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