28 January 2021

As Red Green Would Say

If the girls don't find you handsome, at least let them find you handy.

I fixed the kitchen drain today.

A down-drain extension and a p-trap were NOT in stock at either the local Home Despot or Louie's.

The rinky-dink teeny Ace Hardware... They had everything I needed.

The old drain was slipping off the strainer's down-pipe because the nylon compression washers were getting stiff and had shrunk.  There was also a drip at the wall stub because the previous installation had used a compression fitting instead of the correct gasketed one.

All better now.

Of course, The Lovely Harvey, only informed me of the slipping last night.  She'd be stuffing things back together for about 2-1/2 years.  This could have been fixed YEARS ago!

Less than half and hour, less than $20.

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