16 August 2021

Jumping Outta Airplanes Day

I would have said jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, but... we're talking the USAF here.

Happy National Airborne Day!

It is also National Rum Day!


  1. I generally refer to my years on jump status as "flinging my body out of reasonably serviceable aircraft," with "reasonably serviceable" being generally defined as "not in imminent danger of crashing."

    1. My uncle described bringing the F-8 onto the boat as "controlled flight onto deck" as a play on the NTSB's "controlled flight into terrain".

  2. I don't miss the pre-jump training routine, waiting around for hours all rigged up, or circling around the drop zone hoping the wind speed drops enough that the unit can actually get out of the danged bird.

    The actual jumping seemed pretty cool as long as I avoided injury.


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