31 August 2021

Mox Nix

All the war materiel we left behind in Kabul?

Mox nix.

A bunch of small arms?  So what.

Some light artillery?  So what.

Some common aircraft?  Big deal.

We export this shit to just as scummy people every day under damn near the same financing terms.

It's not going to make any difference than if we'd managed to pack it all up and bring it home.

It's not like anyone here in the states would ever see any good from it.

We're not allowed to own such things as common, everyday modern small arms.  We're only allowed defanged versions.

If this kind of detritus was brought back and once declared surplus was sold back to the people who originally paid for it; I'd be upset we abandoned it there.

But if it'd been brought home, it would have either been given to the next tinpot dictator or destroyed.

I'm a mind to write my congress-creatures and tell them that maybe we don't need to buy the military new stuff if they're going to be so wasteful.


  1. Or given to the cops, who've developed a serious fetish for playing soldier in the name of the sacred War on Drugs.

  2. no the problem is high tech comms gear and drones, nvg, and missile tech got left behind along with tons of explosives and 2500 aerial bombs. some of the tech china hasn't perfected yet, nor countermeasures.now they will.


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