18 March 2022

Only An Expert By Degree

I find myself explaining a lot things to some folks because I simply know more about the topic than they do.

It's not that I'm an expert, it's just that they know so damned little.

They can't comprehend a situation where Ukraine could be begging for assistance when it's winning.

It's winning NOW.  (That makes a lot of assumptions but we'll accept Ukraine "winning" as a given).

What can be foreseen is the stuff making that winning possible running out in short order.

Munitions are being expended.  If not replenished, the balance will shift.

If a steady supply of Javelins and Stingers is what's keeping the Ukraine in the war, and they're not getting them faster than they're being expended then YES they are winning and need to beg for more help.

Russia looks to be able to win this if they just keep grinding away.  They're way more willing to expend lives to get a win than we are.

Pyrrhus might just get his name forgotten when the cost of the "win" is finally tallied up.  China might even annex some land to their North and West because the Russian army will have been expended.


  1. From what I've heard, the Russian birthrate's been low for a long time, and the population never really recovered from the huge losses in World War II. They may run into a shortage of young men, particularly if things continue to go badly in the Ukraine. Afghanistan disillusioned a lot of Russians about the military life, and anybody who can get out of the draft does so. Meanwhile, as long as Ukraine continues to fight on the defensive, they won't need as many soldiers as the Russians will need.

  2. Back at University I was an instructor and a student. We had a saying "an expert is the guy two page ahead in the textbook."

    Sometimes you are the expert just because nobody else is willing to answer the question and sometimes it is because they are just so ignorant or stupid.

    Thanks for being our expert.

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