21 April 2022

A Midwestern Thing

I ended up on YouTube clicking whatever seemed interesting and got to a series of words you're probably saying wrong in English.


I admit I've been saying it wrong my entire life.

It's supposed to be pronounced just like it's spelled.

Sure Bet.

I'm part of a plurality that adds a second 'r' to get Sure Burt.

I think this is a midwestern dialect thing because we often add an 'r' to wash; making it "warsh" or "worsh".

1 comment:

  1. I think it may be more widespread, I grew up in New York and pronounce it sherbert. I also have a friend who has lived his whole life in Oregon and says warsh instead of wash, but have picked it up from Midwestern relatives.
    A related question would be the geographic distribution of dropping the r in caramel and the l in almond and correlation.


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