13 May 2022

Waves At All The Racists

Judging from the passion, a goodly number of you aren't introspective enough to see that you are, in fact, racists.

I've got an old, print, ©1957 dictionary; let's see what it says:

Assumption of inherent racial superiority or the purity and superiority of certain races, and consequent discrimination against other races; also any doctrine or program of racial domination and discrimination based on such an assumption.

Also, less specifically, race hatred and discrimination.

So, yes, white separatists are racists.  I'd been thinking of them more as racist adjacent, but you had to go and make me look it up.  Congratulations.

That means your hero Randy Weaver was a racist as well.

A common, everyday bigot.

Being a bigot did not earn him what happened to him.

But he's not a hero.  He did little to be admired.

He's an example.  A canary in the cage that our government was getting a bit too damn bold.

Ruby Ridge and Branch Davidians have something in common: Government going after the freaks that polite society tends to avoid.  The assumption being that it not make the news in Peoria, or if it does people will shrug and say, "that's what happens when you're freaks!"

That it woke people up to the dangers of what our Federal law-enforcement had become says more about the rest of us than the mores of the victims.

We said, "even bigots and freaks deserve due process!"

We weren't saying... well I wasn't saying, "I support this bigotry!"  It would appear that lots of you readers were.

You should go read something else.  I think Stormfront still has a web page.


  1. Have to admit the whole "Stormfront" thing is annoying to me due to one of the books of the "Dresden Files" being named that. Has NOTHING to do with the group with the web page, just magic and you know, storms... But did get me looked at by HR at my former place of employment as a potential racist/neo-nazi...

  2. The thing about Randy Weaver was that while not a hero, and probably was a racist, he mostly wanted to separate from just about everybody. He could have been left alone to live in the woods where there were really few to no people for him to be racist against and never really been heard from. But the Clintonites needed boogeymen to scapegoat. Same with the Branch Davidians. David Koresh could have easily and quietly been rounded up when it was alone jogging in the country as he was known to do daily or on one of his frequent excursions, often alone, into Waco. Janet Reno's jack booted thugs could have just gone up and served their warrant knocking at the front door instead of storming people who were already known to be worried about being attacked like that. Saying that endangering Randy Weaver's small child and killing his wife and older child was a bad thing is certainly not the same as endorsing all of his beliefs. He was more of a victim than a hero.

  3. The old observation is still true; the real problem with actual white supremacists is the lousy examples of supposedly superior white people they present.


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