17 July 2022

Dead Games

It occurs to me that most of my gaming work is translating the real world into GURPS 4e.

It's an essentially dead game.  Nothing significant has been published for it for a while.

The settings that I translate into GURPS are, likewise, dead.

Traveller and Twilight: 2000 are long out of print unless you count Drive Thru RPG.

Hell, even my translations from D&D 2e to GURPS 4e are from one dead game to another.

It makes me sad.

The current version of D&D cannot cope with so many things, so there's no point of trying to translate it because you're pulling shit out of your ass.

Even GURPS settings are abandoned.  Transhuman Space is six years since the last supplement.

GURPS WW2 died when the author of the Japan supplement died.

I'm the minority, keeping this dead game alive with settings long out of print.

But I still get an email or two every couple months asking for the GURPS 4e: T2K supplement.

People are out there playing my conversion.

That feels good!

I've even got some feedback here and there to improve my conversion.  Most of those suggestions have been incorporated.

I have self published a GURPS book!

Go figure.


  1. That's sad that GURPS 4e has been abandoned. But I know how you feel as I had way too much money invested in Avalon Hill's Squad Leader system just to have most all of it except the boards become obsolete when Advanced Squad Leader came out. Bastards. Even the counters changed radically so you could only maybe use some of the "Smoke" and "Fire" and some of the fortification counters.

    And had a huuuuge collection of AD&D and all of that got rewritten by succeeding generations of more and more blarghish bullscat.


  2. Tabletop roleplaying games in general took a massive hit with the advent of Magic, the Gathering and other collectible card games. I don't know why D&D gained such popularity while other, better (IMO) systems didn't, but it did.


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