08 July 2022

I Have Tinny Ears

It turns out that some asshole used an AR and not an AK in Highland Park.

The video I saw sure sounded like being downrange of an AK, but there's lots of variables about the recording and playing of a video online that can distort how something sounds that could make it sound differently from hearing it naked eared.

This same asshole appears to have weaseled around several of Illinois and Highland Parks laws to get the weapons used and appears to have had parental assistance with the weaseling.

We should ban yellow underwear!  It will have as much affect on the next asshole as the gun control they want to pass, but will not affect the innocent.

We should do something.  Banning yellow underwear is something!  We should ban yellow underwear!

Think of the children!


  1. Point of fact the weapons ID by sound thing is pretty much a myth. (Sorry Clint.) High velocity rifle rounds can only be differentiated from each other if they are opposed so you can compare the two. If you've got AKs and M16s (Or FALs or G3s etc, etc.) going at each other you can probably tell who's winning the firefight but either of them fired alone will sound too much alike to tell.

  2. i've heard enough of both to say no way in hell that was an ar15, unless it was possibly a 7.62x39 version. the cadence was way off in addition to the sound.that is not what the popo is saying. i thought it weird that they would not identify the weapon as an ar until they made contact with a witness that saw him stash it under a red blanket. didn't want to commit until they knew she didn't know an ar from a rat's ass? no, nothing to see here.


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