09 October 2022


Moon through tree limbs.


Looking back at my old pictures of Dottie I am struck at how far my photography skills have advanced over the years.

I can see, clearly, how far I have to go to get where I want, but it's nice to see that I have been making progress.

It is not hurting me that I'm five cameras better than when I started.

That improving technological advancement aided my photography "skills" is exactly what technology is for, in my mind.

My first digital camera was a wedding gift from Aunt The Bat and was really quite horrid.

The Kodak DC3200 was fixed everything and took under and over exposed shots with equal aplomb.

I inherited Mom's Casio QV-R40 and got zoom and more pixels.

Then the Canon Powershot S5IS, then Powershot SX20IS and now the EOS M50.

Every time more pixels and better software to run them.

But even then, I had to learn to set things up to take the picture I wanted and not just get whatever.

Learning about light.

Learning about shutter speed.

Learning about depth of field and how to use the aperture settings.

Learning ISO and exposure...


It's fun too!

It's also been a lot more fun with digital than with film because of instant feed back and not having to pay for film or developing.

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