04 October 2022

Getting There

It's almost that time of year when the guns transition out of pocket and into holsters that can be hidden under a shirt you can now actually wear without heat stroke.

Living south of 35°N means that your carry options are severely curtailed, especially in Florida where there's no open-carry option.

I really want that open-carry thing to pass so we can get to a "semi-concealed" level of clothing where it's concealed but will occasionally be seen.

Think how a detective carries rather than a beat officer for what I mean.

I'm waiting for the people who live up where it snows to come down here and try their summer carry in OUR summer.

We call your summers "winter" here.


  1. On, they have hot summers up north, too. Just not 5 months of scorching heat and rot-inducing humidity like we have.

    And, sadly, it's not the gun people from up north that are mostly emigrating to down South, it's the city dwellers who are used to living in a gun-free but crime-ridden life that are coming. You know, people who are unfamiliar with gun carry.

    I want open carry just because my fat white northern European body dislikes heat above 70 and humidity above 60 but also dislikes ice and snow on the road. So I am selfish and want to carry open or semi-concealed because I don't want to sweat to death, and I want Constitutional Carry because in my economic situation, the CC license is a significant hit, especially in these troubled times.

  2. Yeah our midwestern summers are downright sub-tropical, but nothing compared to Florida. My summer carry is a 642 in a pocket holster. That might work for Florida. -JKing

  3. i would never pocket carry without a trigger guard. i has to be in a holster covering the trigger

    1. Me either: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52218729595_257481339e_b.jpg


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